Geovisualization combines approaches such as 3-D scientific visualization,
image processing, computer graphics, animation, simulation, and virtual reality in order
to help present information in a new way so that patterns can be found, greater
understanding can be developed, and scientific and societal problems can be solved.
It is a particularly "hot" area of research right now, having, for instance,
been recognized nationally and internationally as one of the "grand challenges"
of geographic information science, aka "GIScience." Geovisualization
is visualization as it relates to spatial data, and can therefore be
applied to all stages of problem-solving in geographical and geological analysis,
from the development of initial hypotheses, to analysis, knowledge discovery,
presentation and evaluation. While broader information visualization is being
developed in nearly all branches of science, geovisualization is a domain
to which geographers and geologists are uniquely positioned to contribute.
The OSU Department of Geosciences, with the generous support of the OSU Foundation's
L.L. Stewart Faculty Development Fund, the OSU IGERT Doctoral Program in Ecosystem
Informatics, and Oregon Space Grant, is pleased to
present the following line-up of distinguished speakers:
January 9th
Dr. Mark Harrower, Department of Geography,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Visualizing Geographic Processes and the Role of Visualization in Scientific Research"
web profile |
abstract & bio |
presentation slides (97 Mb pdf)
demos (255 Mb zip, latest version of QuicktTime recommended)
January 16th
Mr. Tim Holt, Department of Forest Science,
"Games Get Serious: Computer Games for Visualization and More"
bio |
presentation slides |
audio podcast (48 Mb mp3) |
GNNViz |
OSU press release
January 23rd
Dr. Rob Edsall, School of Geographical Sciences,
Arizona State University
"The Human Activity of Visualization: Cultural and Psychological Factors in Representation of Geographic Phenomena"
web profile |
abstract |
presentation slides |
audio podcast (90 Mb mp3)
January 30th
Dr. Mike Bailey, OSU School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science
"3-D Scientific Visualization"
web profile |
presentation slides |
audio podcast (56 Mb mp3)
February 6th
Dr. Mark Gahegan, Department of Geography
and GeoVISTA Center, Penn State University
"Visualization, Analytics and Spatial Decision Support in the Geosciences
Network (GEON)"
web profile |
presentation slides |
audio podcast (87 Mb mp3)
February 13th
Dr. May Yuan, College of Atmospheric &
Geographic Sciences, University of Oklahoma
"Temporal GIS for Meteorological Applications"
web profile |
presentation w/animations (6.6 Mb PPT) |
audio podcast (29.3 Mb mp3, second half of talk lost due to technical glitch)
2006 workshop
February 20th
Mr. Kirk Goldsberry, doctoral candidate,
Department of Geography,
UC-Santa Barbara
"Real-time Traffic Maps for the Internet and Mobile Devices"
web profile |
presentation (4.2 Mb PPS) |
audio podcast (88.6 Mb mp3)
February 27th
Ms. Julie Dillemuth, IGERT doctoral candidate
in Interactive Digital Media, UC-Santa Barbara
"Geovisualization of News Stories"
web profile |
presentation slides |
Animation 1 |
Animation 2
audio podcast (75.4 Mb mp3)
March 6th
Dr. Randy Keller, School of Geology
and Geophysics, University of Oklahoma
"Constructing, Editing, and Visualizing Integrated Models of Earth Structure: A View to the Future"
web profile 1 |
web profile 2 |
presentation slides (52.7 Mb pdf)
audio podcast (80 Mb mp3)
March 13th
Dr. Bob Crippen, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Pasadena, CA
"NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Visualization of Earth Landscapes"
web profile 1 |
web profile 2
presentation slides
(WARNING! 226 Mb file! Stereo glasses helpful for many of the images)
USGS Data Access |
NASA JPL STRM Information |
audio podcast (85 Mb mp3)