GEO 580
(Spring '04)
Student Analytical Projects

Paul Anderson
DEM Based Watershed and Stream Network Delineation and Applications
Web Project | Presentation

Ed Buchner
Time Series Plant Community Analysis of Mitchell Marsh, Salmon River Estuary,
Lincoln County, Oregon Using Spatial Interpolation Techniques

Presentation (of poster)

Kristel Fesler
The Willamette River Channel Alteration and Wetland Location
Presentation (of poster)

Keldah Hedstrom
Utilizing GIS as a Tool to Manage Grass Seed Yield Variability in the Willamette Valley of Oregon
Presentation (of poster)

Jennifer Larsen
Query-based Analyses & Wetland Demographics
Presentation (of poster)

Sam Littlefield
Oregon State Board of Education Decision Support Pilot Project
Web Project | Presentation

Dave Selkowitz
Spatially Distributed Snow Modeling in Glacier National Park
Presentation (of poster)

Michael Thompson
Application of Geographical Information Science to the Northwest Pacific Albacore (Thunnus alalunga) Fishery:
Biological and Physical Interactions

Poster (PPT file)

Barbara Zennaro
Marine Earthquakes, Sea Surface Elevation and GIS: Analysing the Juan de Fuca Plate
Web Project | Presentation

Last updated May 31, 2006

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